Monday, July 28, 2008

How much is it worth to you?

The Ambulance showed up in the afternoon. We oogled and aaawed it for a few minutes and then Suresh took it to the Harvest India campus to scare all the children with the sirens. On the way he had a little fun with the traffic too (he admitted later that he felt a little guilty for using the sirens when it wasn't an emergency ;) ). We parked it next door until the dedication ceremony.

Later that night we were driving through the thickest rainstorm ever and Surresh told us that he had recieved a message. Someone had called Harvest India and said that someone they knew was very sick and that he needed to be taken to the hospital immediately. Suresh's wife Cristine rushed out to pray for the ambulance, annointed it, and then sent it out on it's first mission.

Since it arrived, it's already taken 3 trips to the hospital, and we haven't even had the dedication ceremony yet! I think we're going to have to wash it for the ceremony, cause it's already covered in dust.

So I got to thinking, how much are you willing to pay to save someone's life? $15,000 divided by 3? And that's just this week! It hasn't even started it's job as a mobile clinic!

So good job everybody who helped fund the ambulance. It's already making a difference. You've done a good thing.

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